Zwei Jahre nachdem die Critters scheinbar endgültig von der Erde verschwunden waren, tauchen sie wieder auf: In einer Scheune wird ein außerirdisches Ei gefunden, aus dem auch bald das erste Wesen schlüpft. Nur die Kopfgeldjäger wissen, wie sie die Cr..
Underwater deep-sea miners encounter a Soviet wreck and bring back a dangerous cargo to their base on the ocean floor with horrifying results. In a story owing a lot to _Alien_ and _The Thing_, the crew of the mining base must fight to survive against a g..
Eine fünfköpfige Crew auf einer isolierten Bohrinsel in der Arktis sucht in einer nie vorher erreichten Tiefe nach Öl und durchstößt die letzte Gesteinsschicht, als zwei grauenvolle Morde geschehen. Der überlebenden Besatzung dämmert langsam, dass..
We are sent back to the battlefield, as the Federation's best Mobile Infantry unit are slowly being overpowered by the killer bugs. They are light years from the nearest reinforcements and are trapped on a remote outpost. They set up protection around the..
In the desert area of Hat Creek, cows are found partially devoured and the farmers believe that a wolf is attacking the cattle. The alcoholic Sheriff Annie Flynn is called by the local farmer Rob Horn to witness the remains of an animal to request reimbur..
Die Critters sind ausgerottet? Keineswegs! Sie verstecken sich in einem Wohnmobil um in eine kleine Stadt transportiert zu werden, wo sie sich in einer Villa verstecken und darauf warten, daß irgendetwas essbares auf zwei Füßen vorbeikommt.
Die Critters sind endgültig besiegt! Die beiden letzten Exemplare dieser Gattung wurden in einer Raumkapsel ins Weltall gechossen. 50 Jahre später erwachen sie jedoch und fallen zuerst einmal über ein Raumschiff her. Nach diesem Frühstück haben sie e..
A crew of scientists arrives on a far, cold planet to examine archaic artefacts of unknown origin. They discover that the German enemies have already a ship there. When they seek their help after a failed landing, they only find the German's bodies, obvio..
The story tells of a man named George Herbert who is separated from his wife and child when a Martian invasion begins. He tries to make his way to Washington, D.C. to reunite with them as the world is torn apart. But civilization is laid to ruin when a ra..
After a meteor shower in California, Melissa feels that her co-workers and her boss Samantha that work in the agency owned by Vickland are acting differently after receiving a weird plant. She shares her fears with her colleague Billie and with Detective..
Sorry but there are many movies (like Signs, Alien Abduction 2014 etc) missing. I noticed that many movies, which I've seen on this site, can't be found when I entered them in the search box. Please comment and help me out.
xm901sj schreibt:
Sorry but there are many movies (like Signs, Alien Abduction 2014 etc) missing. I noticed that many movies, which I've seen on this site, can't be found when I entered them in the search box. Please comment and help me out.
geschrieben am 26.07.2014 00:32