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    Hoochie Mamma Drama (2008)

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    Hoochie Mamma Drama
    Guera and Big Eyes are the flyest girls in the neighborhood proud of being known for their sexy antics and defined eyebrows. They will use their looks, dirty tricks and all they have to get the love of a man. As long as they don't find out they are both after the same man; Lazy, a man that has tricks and secrets of his own.

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    Ordne Deine lieblings Hoster per Drag & Drop um schneller zum gewünschten Stream zu kommen!

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    IMDb Wertung:
    4 / 10 :: 47 Votes
    Genre: Komödie
    Produzent: Greg Anton
    Executive Producer: Elart Coello
    Schauspieler: Monique La Barr  Deadlee  Ernie Islas  Alyssa LeBlanc  Eve Holmes  Peter Tahoe  Leslie Garza  Marisa Belinda  5 weitere
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